If the clothing item you've received doesn't fit as expected, simply initiate a return within 7 days of receiving your order. We'll gladly send you a replacement item at no extra cost. Managing the return is easy—just log in to your customer account, access your order, choose the item you'd like to exchange, and specify the desired size. We're here to make the process hassle-free for you.
Please make sure that when returning an item for exchange, you use a trackable service and retain the proof of posting receipt and tracking details. We cannot process exchanges for items that we have not received. You are responsible for the item until it is received by us
For Boxz to process any exchanges the item must be in its original condition, unused (with any tags still attached) in original packaging, and in a re-saleable condition (and any free items that came with the product will also need to be returned) to be accepted by us. If tags have been removed we may be unable to process an exchange or refund. There are a few items that can’t be returned:
- Clearance items
- Personalised items
- Bundled items at discounted rates, e.g. “5 for £25” (unless the entire bundle is returned)
- Items marked “Non-Returnable” on the sale page
- Tags not attached or no original packaging
- Items you have already assembled or used
*Please note: Garments ONLY - Abuse of the exchange policy will result in cancellation of accounts, minus any money owed. Boxz has the right to cancel/remove the Free-Exchange policy at any time without notice. To enable your exchange to be processed, please complete the form below, then send your item back to us, please remember to enclose your details so the exchange can be processed quickly and efficiently for you.